Hi! My name is Aaron Trumm. Thanks for coming to the page. I hope to help you get better visibility for your business. First I’ll skip to the offer:
You can schedule a consult call with me by emailing me. This call is half an hour for $50 and in that call, we can address any aspect of your content marketing or online strategy. We can audit your social media, we can take a look at your web page, we can talk about your blog (or whether you need one), your messaging, your customer avatar – whatever you feel is lacking or needs work, I’ll help.
At the end, there’s no sales pitch for a huge $6000 course, I won’t hold back any info, and I won’t try to convince you that without me you’re doomed. All we’ll do in that half an hour is help you. You’ll come away with action steps and a better plan than you went in with.
If after that you want my help enacting the plan more consultations, or writing, web building, funnel builds, video – anything in the full stack creative skillset I’ve developed over 30 years, we can talk.
If there’s something very obvious to me I can offer you at the end of our call I’ll email you after and tell you my idea and what it would cost.
That’s it. No BS, no wading through a 3-hour webinar, no lame PDF or scuzzy unrealistic sales pitch. Just me, you, and your business.
Click the green button to email me and let me know you want a call, and I’ll send you a calendar link. Thanks for coming by and I’m looking forward to our talk!
— Aaron
Who am I and why can I help?
Smart question. Here’s why I know what I’m talking about:
- 30 years making websites and learning everything that goes with it
- I’ve literally been online and building web presences since the web was born (I was a computer science major at the time)
- 30 years as a small business owner – I feel your pain!
- I left a 20 year freelance web dev career to focus on the POINT of online presence: marketing.
- 10 years obsessing about social media and digital marketing
If you want to know more about me, I’ve put together a little on my background here. If you want to skip the call and try out some services, check out my services page and email me. And if you’re ready for a high-value, no-time-wasted consult call, just click the green button to email me. Feel free to ask anything you want first. All the button does is email me, it won’t ask for payment info yet.
Ok! Talk soon!